New Year. Transitioning into Post Sabbatical phase…

I took some much needed time-out to regroup, rejuvenate, reflect, review & rehash lessons learned. This week has been chuck full of professional affirming activities: Women in Data Science meetup, speaking engagement at the local ASQ Raleigh Six Sigma group, Prosci webinar and potential next step opportunity to wrap up the week!

These activities have been nectar to jump starting my post 8-month sabbatical transition 🙂


To continue the post sabbatical momentum, I am speaking at the 2017 Lean and Six Sigma conference on February 27. Session: M16.  Topic: Selling Lean and Six Sigma (Securing Buy-In). I hope content stimulates robust discussion by the attendees. Looking forward to the opportunity to learn & share!


2017 is shaping up to be a full-on year on many, many levels. It will be anything but boring/predictable. Bring it on…

ASQ ITEA Judge!!!

My application to be a judge for the 2016-2017 ASQ International Team Excellence Award (ITEA) Preliminary round was accepted!!! I completed all Pre-Work deliverables on Monday.


The Process involves: 1- Pre-Work (individual on own); 2- On-Site Training (2 days with trainers, other judges).

Pre-work involved reading and doing exercises on the ITEA Process and Criteria. The process reminds me of accreditation processes that I have participated in – learn then apply! Super intimidating to begin with – a lot of material to become familiar with and then the reminder that teams are depending on my contribution and participation.

Now that I have completed the Pre-Work, the process and expectations are clearer. This is a HUGE responsibility I have signed up to undertake (the hugeness of the undertaking is making it easier for me to step up and deliver). I am so looking forward to the On-Site training: November 3 & 4, 2016 in Raleigh, NC.

Quotes & Scripts (the power of…)

  • Clarity in my thoughts!
  • Path and direction identified!
  • Intent is the driver!
  • Sure (confident) in purpose!

If one is open, there is nothing like words to inspire, aspire, motivate, drive, encourage, guide, validate, reassure!

In 2015, a wonderfully inspiring mentor and friend – Christina Abby – gifted me with her book “Flippin’ the Script”. The book is composed of daily scripts from January 1 to December 31. Here are some of the scripts that have contributed to my clarity in 2015 🙂 …

                            Jan 1: “Dreams deferred, delayed are not dreams discarded or denied.”
                           Jan 4: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing in mind.”


Flippin’ the Script by Christina Abby